Pioneer Wind Park I is a 80 MW wind turbine farm near the town of Glenrock, WY. The project consists of 46 GE 1.85 MW wind turbine generators. The project spanned a canyon to a mountain range.
Involving integral design and layout, Thorstad Companies erected 43 GE turbines and laid 7 miles of T-Line to tie its substation into the Tripp Junction substation. Great effort was made throughout the project to ensure that construction had zero wetlands impact.
Thorstad Companies’ role on this project was as an EPC contractor. Thorstad designed and constructed the roads, foundations and O&M building, erected the wind turbines and completed the tower wiring and grounding for this project.
The Thorstad Companies’ project team provided all civil design and construction, turbine erection, EPC supply of BOP equipment and materials, and complete electrical construction for this community based energy development (C−Bed) project.
Thorstad Companies was selected as the first contractor in the United States to erect multiple turbine projects for these two wind farms utilizing the 1.67 MW Alstom manufactured turbine.
The Vestas turbines used in this project are some of the largest commercial turbines currently in use in the United States. Collaboration and coordination with several groups were key to Thorstad Companies’ completion of this project.
For locations in Minnesota and Iowa, Thorstad Companies erected and installed various turbines ranging from GE, Clipper, Vestas and Goldwind—which is new to the US market and involved the first installation with a new design.
From turbine erection to road construction and collection systems, these projects throughout the United States presented Thorstad Companies with unique challenges and inspired creative solutions.